I think I woke up in the middle of the night sometime last week and realized that I had forgotten to blog these pictures.
I guess the fact that I also almost missed my daughter's swimming lesson last week because I couldn't find my cell phone OR wallet should not be much of a surprise.
I took Will's newborn pictures when his brother Daylon wasn't able to be there. Before we knew it, Will was 3 months old and we still had not taken pictures with Daylon and his littlest brother! So we finally got together at Dorothy B. Oven for a marathon of family pictures.
It was a really fun morning; we shot as many different family combinations that we could think of, Daylon probably got tired of me saying, "This will probably make you a little uncomfortable, BUT...", Jack pulled out some more photographic charm, and I even got a chance to play around with Baby Will and my reading glasses while he caught a nap.
Here is a glimpse of our morning!
The following 3 "real life photos" are some of my favorites...
Whew! That was fun - Thanks, Harrises, for another great shoot!!!