You met baby Carter when I did his
newborn pictures, and you got reacquainted with him for his
3 month pictures. Before we knew it, it was already time for his 6 month pictures! When Christine and I were discussing a location for the shoot, she suggested the train track at the end of her road. Of course I agreed; I am always game for a train track shoot! What I didn't know was it was a SECRET train track, hidden from the road by a forest, with a view of Tom Brown Lake on the other side. It was a gorgeous location for pictures, and I'm pretty sure I clapped my hands in excitement more than once.
Christine requested that I bring my suitcases. Carter was about to be making a trip to his grandma's, and they wanted to send her some pictures ahead of time to build some excitement. Suitcases and train tracks, I have found, are a very nice mix!
Thanks, Christine and Cayce, for inviting me to come back! I'm really enjoying watching Carter grow up!